Making Changes to Reach Your True Potential

A blog for women in midlife who want or need to make changes large or small. Offering advice and insights on a range of topics.


Caring for others in midlife

Protecting our wellbeing as unpaid carers, as average life expectancy increases but the number of years we are healthy may not, is important for everybody but especially women in m...  more  

Give Yourself Space to Grow

As we reach 50 and beyond, let's use this time to evaluate our lives. What to do want to do? Who do we want to be? Personal growth and development is important at any age. By the ...  more  

Why loneliness is bad for our health and what we can do about it

Loneliness can have a profound effect on our mental and physical wellbeing, especially once we reach 50 and beyond. There are many things we can do to combat our own loneliness an...  more  

Making new friends when you are over 50 takes action and may feel hard at first

Do you find it more difficult to make new friends now you are over 50? What can you do and where can you go?  more  

DO IT! Don't just spend time thinking and planning it. Take action.

We spend so much time thinking, talking and planning what we need to do we can fool ourselves into thinking we have done the hard part. Actually what we need to do is take ACTION....  more  

Making the Most of Midlife and Beyond

Midlife is a time of changes and transitions for many women. It's an opportunity for us to take stock and look at what we really want from our lives apart from our roles as parent...  more  

The Path Towards Change Featuring an Elephant

The Rider, Elephant and the Path analogy for change. How Chip and Dan Heath's 'Switch: How to Change Things When Change is Hard can help us make changes if we take note of all th...  more  

Action not Distraction: part 2 - strategies for conquering procrastination

Procrastination has been stopping me from making the changes I want as I build my Life Coaching business. I am going to adopt a number of strategies to conquer it and make progress...  more  

Action not Distraction: the procrastination has to stop Part 1

Getting waylaid by shiny objects online and in social media is delaying the action required to get my coaching business up and running. Tackling procrastination is a priority  more  

Making the Change: from A to C

The story so far: my career change, at the age of 59, from administrator to midlife women's coach.  more