
If you want to know what past clients have said about their experience with me as their coach please see the testimonials below.


My session with Michele was brilliant!...

My session with Michele was brilliant! She helped me clarify what my goals actually were, how I could achieve them, and which obstacles were in my way -- or that I thought were in my way -- and how I could get around them. She was kind, non-judgmental and thought-provoking. I feel a lot more optimistic now and also more certain about what my next step will be. I can't recommend her enough. Thank you, Michele   |     |   BW Norfolk

In just one hour I gained more clarity and this has changed my daily life...

My coaching with Michele was really effective. In just one hour I gained more clarity and this has changed my daily life. Michele gently challenged me on a long-standing belief I’d been holding, one that had been impacting on my interaction with others, from a fear of causing upset. As a result of reframing that belief, I’m finding it much easier to say ‘no’ to others kindly and appropriately and not feeling guilty about saying ‘yes’ to me and my need for time for myself. I learned a great practical tip for releasing negative energy, especially around long held grief. Michele is a great listener and the coaching felt more conversational than ‘template’ driven, unlike other coaching I have experienced. Michele asked thought provoking questions that made me think deeply about things holding me back, both in the session and since. I really got a lot from the coaching and have changed things for the better in my life. I plan to book another session soon, to work on other things too. I highly recommend Michele for coaching that works!   |     |   TH Norfolk

If you want to improve aspects of your life, Michele is the perfect coach for you...

I never really knew what to expect from my sessions with Michele. I had reached a part in my life where I wanted to regain control of my time and my relationships both working and personal. I often felt that I was burning the candle at both ends but not really achieving and that I was at times being taken for granted. The sessions with Michele have been invaluable. She has helped me to look at all the issues and questions I have and encouraged me to change how I react and how I allow people and events to affect me. This has at time been slightly uncomfortable and completely out of my comfort zone, however the results have been phenomenal and very empowering. Michele has been a tremendous help for me personally and I think she would be a great resource for everyone out there who needs a little push and some support in their lives. She has provided me with resources/exercises to help alleviate stress and anxiety, build confidence and love yourself more. Improved my communication skills, this improved my relationship with my husband and regulate my emotions better. She helped me reframe how I approach my career and move towards progress by mapping out my goals and having a clear vision. She helped me gain optimistic, yet realistic perspectives with work and relationships.   |     |   JL

Michele's approach was very calm and natural so the coaching felt completely stress free ...

My gifted coaching session with Michele was invaluable in helping me organise and articulate my thoughts, feelings and intentions about a significant cross-roads in my life. I was struck by how much progress was made in one session, and at the same time I came away feeling that the outcomes had emerged through a subtle shift rather than a big effort. Michele's approach was very calm and natural so the coaching felt completely stress free and not at all scary or difficult! She was very skilled in showing curiosity and interest and then reflecting back with clarity what I was saying. I would definitely recommend Michele for anyone seeking a new path, but who is perhaps hesitant about taking those first steps.   |     |   CB Norwich

I strongly recommend...

It was through word-of-mouth that I heard about Michele’s coaching, and I was thankful I found it. Michele’s coaching sessions became a vital source of support, inspirations, and wisdom for me when I started a new leadership role. It was Michele’s insights, incisive questions and gentle but firm prodding that empowered me to navigate through the deep end of my job, use my strengths and power types to deal with challenges. Each one-hour session was packed with thought-provoking questions, ideas, and practical toolkits. I plan to have more coaching sessions with Michele and I strongly recommend them to anyone who feel lonely at their leadership height, or those who want a balance of joy in life and success in their career.   |     |   LN Norwich.

Michele is great! She’s a warm, friendly and open person...

I came to Michele for coaching as I felt something was off in my career and that I was becoming jealous of those around me who I perceived to have had more success than me. This is unusual for me and it was starting to affect my relationships with these people. I had been debating whether to leave my current job or try to apply for more senior positions in the company I work for. The biggest result I achieved was the understanding that I don’t need to compare myself to others and that success looks different for everyone. The PowerTypes were a complete eye opener and I use them everyday now. The needs creed showed me I was spreading myself too thin and putting demands on myself unnecessarily. And trigger tracking showed me a pattern of disempowering behaviour I wasn’t aware of before. Michele is great! She’s a warm, friendly and open person who brings energy and support to every session. She is a great listener and gives space when needed to explore difficult topics. She allowed me to bring more order to my thoughts, so I could feel positive about my next steps.   |     |   HR Norfolk

An extremely positive and productive experience...

I had no idea what to expect with Michele’s one-to-one coaching session or what I would get out of it. Michele guided me to identify the issues I wanted resolved and coached me to articulate my own solutions. I have committed to concrete actions, which is a wee bit scary but also exciting. I found it an extremely positive and productive experience, and I recommend it highly.   |     |   CS Norwich

Michele's coaching came at the right time for me...

Michele's coaching came at the right time for me when I was struggling with a lot of work anxiety and how to focus clearly. With Michele we were able to work through what was leading to this anxiety and how to deal with this and create a toolbox of coping techniques. Identifying the triggers and being able to appreciate what is in and out of my control (and not giving too much attention to what I can't control!) has really helped me to approach work differently and control my anxiety. I would really recommend Michele for practical and supportive coaching!   |     |