As I approach 60, I'm thinking more and more about how to give myself the best chance of living a long, but more importantly, a healthy and active life.

Most of the information I've read around midlife states that it occurs between the ages of 40 and 68. That's about one third of our life time!

According to the UK Office for National Statistics, in 2020, the average life expectancy for women was 89 and for men 86. That's a lot of years and I know we all want to make them count.

By the time we reach midlife we will all have a lot of life experience under our belts. We may have experienced issues with our health and wellbeing and/or in our significant relationships.  Many of us may be going through a variety of transitions. Children get older and less dependent including leaving home or returning home after a period of living independently. Thinking about changing jobs or working patterns or considering leaving the workforce are all possibilities. Taking greater responsibility for the care of elderly parents or relatives and being bereaved is also the reality for many of us. The impact of the menopause also has a very significant impact on many women and those closest to them.

So, midlife can be a time of change and a time of challenge. It is also a time of opportunity. I have explored some of the impacts of change in my previous blogs and I will be returning to some of these themes in the future.

I am passionate about women having the best and most fulfilling midlife possible. Women have so much to give, but have often not had the opportunity or the time, to demonstrate the full extent of their potential. This can change!

My Facebook Community Group (1) Over 50: Making Midlife Matter | Facebook is aimed at women, to open up dialogue and share experiences about the opportunities that open up for us, but also the challenges that we face in middle age. You are very welcome to join whether you are under or over 50. I am also posting on issues around midlife in LinkedIn  Michele Pavey | LinkedIn

The United Nations have designated 2021 to 2030 the Decade of Healthy ageing UN Decade of Healthy Ageing – The Platform and has the very important hashtag #addinglifetoyears.

This global initiative is focusing on four areas: age-friendly environments, combatting ageism, integrated care and long-term care.

What is the Decade? – UN Decade of Healthy Ageing Platform gives a detailed overview of the project's aims and objectives. Although its focus is on older age, it is inviting contributions from individuals, employers and groups, giving us the opportunity to feed into what will be important to us as we move forwards from midlife.

I was not aware of work of the United Nations in this area until researching for this blog. It provides us with an opportunity to contribute to the UN's work. For those of us who like campaigning for change, there are opportunities via our elected officials and through joining campaigning groups to be part of the force for change. 

Campaigning is one of the things I will be doing more of this year and beyond; making my voice heard and raising awareness of things that really need to change. Tackling issues associated with ageing and ageism and the fight for a cure for dementia are my two priorities.

My top priority as a midlife women's coach is to work with women who want to move forward or get ‘unstuck' and truly reach their true potential; thriving, not just surviving.